10 Things to Consider When You’re Ovulating


Last Updated: January 02, 2025


Ovulation is one of the most critical aspects of conception for couples to keep in mind. Yet, for many, ovulation can be shrouded in mystery. How does the importance of ovulation translate to everyday life? How can you tell if you’re ovulating, and what should you do to increase your chances of getting pregnant? Here is a one-stop list of things to consider while you’re ovulating that can answer all your questions.

  1. Track Your Cycle
    Ovulation is the part of the menstrual cycle in which a mature egg is released from the ovaries and can be fertilized by sperm. A woman’s “fertile window,” which is about 5 days before and 24 hours after ovulation, determines the time in which intercourse can result in conception and pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to track your menstrual cycle to figure out when you will be ovulating.
    For an average cycle of 28 days, ovulation occurs around day 14, with the first day being the start of a woman’s menstrual period. However, menstrual cycle length and timing of ovulation vary from person to person. To more closely predict the time of ovulation, many use over-the-counter ovulation tests, menstrual cycle tracker apps, or ovulation calculators.
  2. Watch for Signs of Ovulation
    Beyond using a calendar or tracker, ovulation also produces some physiological changes that can help you determine when you are most fertile during your menstrual cycle. Right before ovulation, you might notice your vaginal secretions become clear, wet, and stretchy, while after ovulation cervical mucus becomes thicker, cloudy, and less noticeable.
    Your basal body temperature — your body’s temperature at rest — also slightly increases during ovulation. Use a thermometer specifically designed to measure basal body temperature, and record your temperature first thing in the morning throughout the month to determine a pattern. Fertility will be highest two to three days before an increase in basal body temperature.
  3. Having Timed Intercourse
    Timing your intercourse around the time you will be ovulating can greatly improve your odds of conception. If intercourse isn’t occurring within the fertile window surrounding ovulation, then an egg will not be available in the fallopian tubes for fertilization, and pregnancy will not occur. Experts recommend having intercourse on the tenth day of the menstrual cycle and continuing every other day until the day after ovulation occurs.
  4. Odds of Success
    Even for those who are monitoring their ovulation and having timed intercourse, conception might not happen on the first try. On the day before ovulation — the most fertile day of the menstrual cycle — the maximum odds of conceiving are still 42%. For those aged 20-44, on average 68% of women will conceive after three months of trying, and 92% will conceive within one year.
  5. How Ovulation Works
    Midway through a woman’s menstrual cycle, a spike in the hormone LH causes a follicle in the ovary to rupture and release a mature egg into the fallopian tube. For fertilization to occur, sperm must already be waiting in the fallopian tube to meet with the released egg. Sperm can live up to 5 days, so it is recommended that intercourse occur in the 72-hour window prior to ovulation to increase the odds of conception.
  6. Stop Contraception
    Some modes of contraception, such as condoms, do not affect fertility or chances of conception. However, other contraceptives, such as the combined contraceptive pill and contraceptive injections, might require some time before the menstrual cycle returns to normal and conception can occur. Speak with your healthcare provider about how long your particular birth control might affect your menstrual cycle.
  7. Stop Smoking and Drinking Alcohol
    Smoking and drinking alcohol can negatively impact fertility and harm future offspring if pregnancy occurs. Quitting smoking and alcohol is important to protect the health of both you and your future baby while trying to conceive.
  8. Maintain a Healthy Body Weight
    Maintaining a healthy body weight can improve fertility and odds of conception. Excess body fat might lead to higher estrogen levels, interfering with ovulation. Being underweight can also cause irregular periods and ovulation, making conception more difficult. Consult a doctor about lifestyle changes to improve ovulation regularity and increase chances of getting pregnant.
  9. Take Prenatal Supplements
    Taking prenatal supplements can prepare your body for pregnancy. For example, folic acid prevents neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, in a fetus. Speak with a healthcare provider about which prenatal supplements you might need while trying to conceive.
  10. Know When to Talk to Your Doctor
    If you haven’t conceived after having timed intercourse for one year, or six months if you are over 35, it might be time to speak with a doctor to figure out the cause of your issues with conceiving. You should also consult a doctor if you have conditions such as endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), as these conditions can affect fertility.
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